

Press Release: The Media Agency Shift

Press Release: The Media Agency Shift

New technologies and a worldwide pandemic have encouraged the advertising industry to cut out middlemen and other costs, leading to many overworked and understaffed internal marketing teams. These teams have adapted through the implementation of fully-managed programmatic platforms, and it’s time for media agencies to make the same jump. Published on AP News and Benzinga, Genius Monkey dives into the context and benefits of adopting a fully-managed programmatic system. If your team needs better ad coverage, hands-on expertise, and simplified workflows, get in touch with the Genius Monkeys and evolve your marketing strategy to the next level!

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May 1, 2024
What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

What to Know About Marketing to Gen Z

Gen Z is growing up; they’ve been the transition generation for some time, and now more than half of them have reached adulthood. As their purchasing potential grows, it’s time to take notice of how, on what, and where the iGen spends their money so you can know how to better speak to their wants and needs. Let’s take a look at the data so you understand the youngest generation of adults and how their buying brains think.

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January 24, 2024
How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

How to Recession-Proof Your E-Commerce Store

We can’t see the future, but you can prepare for it now so your e-commerce brand remains resilient through an unexpected downturn. Whether you’ve been working on a plan already or are just now looking into building economic security, here are four strategies for optimizing your online store to build and secure brand loyalty: Create a Frictionless Shopping Experience The less friction shoppers experience navigating your store, the more likely they are to stay there (and away from competitors).

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June 21, 2023
The Key to Making a Sale is Not Actually Selling; It’s This

The Key to Making a Sale is Not Actually Selling; It’s This

The customer is smarter, faster, and more educated than ever before. They want a better customer experience that includes all the information they can get their hands on. How do we do that? By giving them value. At every touch point, we should leave customers “wiser and more confident in us.” You can boost retention and make your customers loyal fans. This article covers how to do that and more.

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June 6, 2023
What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

What To Expect When Onboarding With Genius Monkey

We know you want the best. How do we know that? Because that’s what we want, too. We are only interested in giving our best, every time. No cutting corners, no surprises. That’s why we’re sharing our step-by-step process when it comes to your campaign. We’ll walk you through what to expect and what you’ll get with Genius Monkey. Let’s start with YOU. The most important part. Meeting Genius Monkey When you meet with Genius Monkey, you’ll share your goals and your marketing history so we can better understand your vision.

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March 28, 2023
For a Better Campaign, Try These 5 Fixes

For a Better Campaign, Try These 5 Fixes

What do you do when everything seems to be perfect, but you’re not seeing results? You may have thought you set up the best strategy possible, but when the numbers aren’t lining up, there’s usually a reason. These are the first 5 fixes we like to recommend if your campaign isn’t seeing the results you wanted. Each business is different, so these 5 won’t automatically make you a big success—for that you need a team working alongside you every step of the way.

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March 14, 2023
What Every Ad Needs – Tips From Our Team

What Every Ad Needs – Tips From Our Team

What’s an advertisement you’ve seen in the last week that you can remember? It may not be as easy as you think to remember a digital or online ad. In fact, many people tune these advertisements out of their mind, even when many appear on the screen in front of their eyes. How then, do marketers stand out? No, it’s not with a trendy TikTok dance or ALL CAPS FONT.

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January 11, 2023
It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

It’s All About Intent...Search Intent

You can be targeted based on where you live. You can be targeted based on age, religion, favorite toothpaste brand, and more. As advertisers, we use targeting points like this to match consumers/viewers with the best advertisements—the ones they are most likely to engage with and buy from. But one of the most important ways to target is almost too obvious, yet many overlook its importance: targeting with search intent.

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January 4, 2023
Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday for Advertisers

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it may be the best time for you to advertise. Thanksgiving is about heartfelt moments with family, eating amazing food, and finally buying that thing you’ve always wanted. It’s the sweet-spot holiday between Halloween and Christmas where consumers will be ready to buy. This holiday is the optimal time to buy before Christmas time, which may be deemed “too late” for some customers.

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November 2, 2022
What Is a Diverse Media Plan, and Are You Really Running One?

What Is a Diverse Media Plan, and Are You Really Running One?

Being diverse with your marketing spend is the future. Our lives are diverse—even on a given day our routines can change sporadically. And just like our daily lives, our marketing approach can’t be set in stone or predictive. Being diverse doesn’t mean you have to micromanage 10 different vendors—find a vendor that has an agnostic approach, like Genius Monkey, and see the results for yourself. What is a Diverse Media Plan?

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June 8, 2022
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