
#Data Reporting

Genius Monkey ROI Reporting and Attribution Tools Drive Increased Returns

Genius Monkey ROI Reporting and Attribution Tools Drive Increased Returns

A great marketing campaign is nothing without the ability to track and visualize it through a full stack of reporting and attribution readily available at the advertiser’s hands. You can have the best visuals and messaging in the world, but if you can’t track performance, the campaign is virtually useless. At Genius Monkey, every client receives access to their very own personalized client dashboard. This is their one-stop spot to track and view all campaign data.

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September 21, 2022
Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Turn Data into Insights with These 3 Tips

Do you understand the difference between data and insights? Are you really understanding your data, or do you have surface-level knowledge that can be improved? In an Adweek article by Anastasia Leng, she warns against doing the same thing multiple times without ever “validating if it’s having the intended result.” Leng says many have easy access to metrics without the right tools to differentiate them. Simply put, just because something can be measured doesn’t mean that data should make the decisions for you.

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June 29, 2022
Should You Advertise in the Metaverse?

Should You Advertise in the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse? According to Facebook, the Metaverse is a virtual arena, where “3D spaces in the metaverse will let you socialise, learn, collaborate and play in ways that go beyond what we can imagine.” They go on to explain that this space will be created by everyone and built for everyone to enjoy. Put simply, it’s a virtual world of interconnected communities. In the Metaverse, people can chat, work, play games, and interact through virtual reality.

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May 25, 2022
Could Advertising Save Netflix?

Could Advertising Save Netflix?

Netflix Reported a loss of 200,000 subscribers in April 2022. They attributed the loss to factors like increased inflation, password sharing, and shutting down service to 700,000+ Russian accounts during the Ukraine invasions. This is the first time in 10 years that such a loss has been reported, and Netflix is fighting to stay ahead of the competition. Is Netflix Now Open to Ads? Though he was once firmly against it, Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings may now be changing his mind about ad-supported streaming, saying that they are “quite open to offering even lower prices with advertising, as a consumer choice.

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May 18, 2022
Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

Are You Treating Every Customer the Same?

How do you get the right message to the right person? With targeting, of course. But once they’ve come to your site or clicked on your ad, the real targeting begins. It’s not enough to “lead a horse to water”—in digital advertising, you need to know exactly what type of water that horse likes, when they drink water, what kind of supplements they need in their water, and more.

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March 23, 2022
Don’t Just Adapt. Innovate.

Don’t Just Adapt. Innovate.

The leadership around here at Genius Monkey has a saying they always reiterate: “The only way to see the future is to always be innovating and adjusting . . . not adapting. If you are adapting, it’s too late.” COVID-19 brought even more popularity to binge-watching, which dramatically fast-forwarded the streaming industry at an outrageous pace. People did adapt—to watching streamed content around the clock. So the marketing industry also had to adapt quickly.

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February 23, 2022
Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Over the last several decades, we’ve seen huge advances in technology that have raised the bar for global markets faster than most businesses have been able to keep up with. Thanks to social distancing measures, these jumps in technology are occurring more rapidly today than ever before, and more and more brands are turning to such advances in order to keep their businesses viable and relevant during this time of drastic change for industries throughout the world.

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March 3, 2021
How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

In the world of marketing, data is king. Marketers use an abundance of user data to gather leads, increase sales, and personalize the customer experience. These data-first strategies have proven highly successful at converting customers, which is exactly why data is king. Data-driven personalized marketing allows brands to target their campaigns at precise individuals rather than splash their messaging to random mass audiences. But with increasing awareness around data privacy recently, ad personalization has encountered a few road blocks, forcing marketers to change how they collect and/or personalize consumer data in the age of digital privacy.

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February 3, 2021
Three Ways to Prevent Fraud and Keep Brands Safe When Using OTT/CTV

Three Ways to Prevent Fraud and Keep Brands Safe When Using OTT/CTV

Over the top TV (OTT) or Connected TV (CTV) have pretty much made their mark on the advertising landscape — enough to stake their claim as a mainstay in the advertiser’s official bag of tricks! Currently, there are more than 130 CTV applications1 available to viewers, and that number is growing rapidly; like a new city popping up in the middle of the desert. But, with any new city comes new bad guys.

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January 20, 2021
Press Release: 2020: A Rough Year for Pay TV

Press Release: 2020: A Rough Year for Pay TV

We’re excited to announce our latest article published on Forbes! Genius Monkey’s CRO, Jeremy Hudgens, is a proud member of Forbes Business Council, and as such, we have the privilege of publishing articles through Forbes every month or so. Our previously-featured Forbes article, titled Don’t Be a Statistic: Preparing for Ad Life After Lockdown, we covered the significant effect COVID-19 lockdowns have had on the ad industry. In our featured Forbes article this month, titled 2020: A Rough Year for Pay TV we discuss with recent pandemic uncertainty, people have looked at alternatives to traditional cable TV more than ever, and that trend is continuing as more and more consumers are cutting back on costs where they can.

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January 13, 2021
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