
#Audience Segmentation

The 2-Second Rule for Engagement

The 2-Second Rule for Engagement

How long do advertisers have to make an impression when they engage an audience online? Not as long as you might think. Marketers typically assume people will watch all of their 15 or 30 second spots or all of their rotating banner ads. But when looking at the data, it seems that’s not always the case. In fact, it rarely ever is. The IAB Digital Video Glossary says a video ad is considered “viewable” if at least 50% of the ad is viewed for two consecutive seconds.

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December 2, 2020
Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

Luxury Brands Can’t Afford to Ignore Programmatic

For luxury brands, loyal relationships and the revenues they bring in are everything. As Genius Monkey has advocated for years, programmatic doesn’t just sell $10 tubes of makeup and Happy Meals at McDonald’s … it also sells $30,000 diamonds and $500,000 homes. American short-story writer and novelist, F Scott Fitzgerald, famously wrote, “The rich are different from you and me.” Comparatively, high-ticket items are different from other goods, too. They do take longer to sell, but by implementing digital programmatic, the ROI and sales numbers are greatly improved.

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September 23, 2020
5 Keys to Strategic Content Promotion

5 Keys to Strategic Content Promotion

Sometimes marketers take creative content for granted, but no matter how intriguing or relevant their work may be, it cannot lead to success without a solid content promotion strategy crafted with a digital programmatic platform. Savvy marketers are always on the lookout for ways to improve content visibility and drive more quality traffic to their blogs and websites. Listed below are ways that we here at Genius Monkey have found to be rather effective at boosting interest in your content and increasing traffic with each new post.

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August 4, 2020
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