
Genius Monkey Spec Sheets

Helpful Guides To Assure Your Ad Files Are Good-To-Go

On this page you will find spec sheets for setting up your display, video and audio advertising files. These represent all of the elements that we find to be both required and/or best practices in order to deliver the upmost in performance for our clients. Click on the icon to download the spec sheet.

Assure You Have The Latest Version

If you downloaded spec sheets in the past, you may not have the latest version. Version numbers are indicated in the file name. Prior to downloading, it’s a good idea to refresh your browser’s cache as it may be loading an old version of this page. Here’s how to use the “hard refresh” command:

On a Windows PC: When viewing this page, press Ctrl-F5 (hold down the “Ctrl” key and then, while still holding it, press the “F5” key on your computer’s keyboard). You should see your browser screen refresh.

On a Mac: When viewing this page, press Command-R (hold down the “Command” key and then, while still holding it, press the “R” key on your computer’s keyboard). You should see your browser screen refresh.