Minimum investment with maximum conversions and user satisfaction. True programmatic power to drive optimal campaign success

Deliver your message across the globe with high-performance ads, personal account service and 24/7 campaign monitoring

Track revenue related to your ads so that you can see the exact items being purchased, time stamp and even exact IP address of every single transaction

A fully managed one-stop shop for all your programmatic needs so you don’t have to do the heavy lifting, complete with a white label option
How We Work For The Business Solution
Genius Monkey provides data-driven programmatic ad-buying solutions that help brands navigate the world of digital advertising. Our platform allows marketers to run highly-targeted ad campaigns that reach the right audiences in the right place at precisely the right time.
We make sure each step of the programmatic ad-buying journey is fully integrated so our partner businesses can effectively manage and optimize campaigns of any scale with high- performance digital ads.
More Features We Offer
- Safety and transparency
- Omnichannel presence
- Real time AI optimizations
- Consumer retargeting
- Dashboard reporting
Your Programmatic Partner In Success
The Genius Monkey programmatic solution uses most effective mix of ad formats, delivery channels and devices. We use ALL available media outlets and adjust campaigns in real-time for optimal performance. Learn more about how we operate and why partnering with us for your programmatic needs in a recipe for success.