May 5, 2021

What's New in Q2 @ Genius Monkey

Announcing our Newest Features

Introducing ROAS Dashboard Reporting and S3 Bucket API Integration!

At Genius Monkey, we’re committed to excellence–not just in the service we provide but in our industry knowledge, product offerings and overall platform performance. And it just keeps getting better and better! To better serve our users, we’ve recently added a few new features to the Genius Monkey platform. Check out what’s new!

Announcing our Newest Features

ROAS reporting in the dashboard

ROAS, or return on ad spend, is one of the most important metrics in every ad campaign. If you aren’t measuring and optimizing towards what is working, you’re falling behind. Genius Monkey has been cooking up something special and recently rolled out a new piece of reporting within the dashboard that allows clients to see two types of revenue, as well as return on ad spend.

The first type of revenue is called transacted revenue. This revenue is for users who are selling a product, service, or have some sort of monetary transaction in which they’re able to pass back parameters that allow Genius Monkey to report on the exact amount of dollars generated from its marketing efforts. By having this exact revenue number generated, Genius Monkey is also able to calculate the percent of return on ad spend to see the ratio of dollars-in to dollars-out. For example, a concert venue we track ticket sales for can now view the dashboard to see the exact amount of ticket sales and associated revenue generated from their Genius Monkey campaign, and then compare that to their total ad spend in order to see their exact return on ad spend.

Gone are the days of spending your marketing budget without knowing what you’re getting in return, or understanding which part of your marketing budget is truly working. With ROAS built into the dashboard, our partners and users can see the exact amount of revenue generated down to the dollar. And with e-commerce clients it gets even better!

Our ROAS reporting also allows you to export a report showing every single sale, which item was sold, the confirmation number or order ID, amount of items purchased and any other parameters that might be applicable to your business. With this e-commerce advertisers can correlate every single item sold with the marketing medium it came from. But that’s not all….

For our clients that don’t have online purchase-type of goals/metrics, we’ve developed the ability to report on theoretical (or what we call assumed revenue) numbers of a goal instead!

In this type of revenue tracking you can work with your Genius Monkey account manager to assign theoretical monetary values to certain goals, such as form fills, so that an assumed revenue generated can be calculated. For example, a law firm knows they convert about 60% of website form fills they receive and each converted form fill is worth $10,000. From this information, we can deduce that each form fill is worth $6,000. Using these numbers, we’re able to determine that if they receive 15 form fills for their $20,000 ad spend they would then have an assumed revenue of $90,000–which is a 450% return on ad spend.

S3 bucket API integration for reporting

Do you love the Genius Monkey dashboard and data, but also want to use it in combination with other reporting software? Then you’re in luck! Genius Monkey has developed a new way to retrieve all the same data in its dashboard, while also pulling from any other data source you wish to use. Meet the GM S3 bucket integration. Now you can have it all–and all in one place! Please consult your Genius Monkey representatives with questions on how to move forward with this fantastic new feature!

Genius Monkey is constantly rolling out new features and options for our clients because we believe in offering top-notch excellence to everyone we work with! Our clients deserve the very best, and we’re here to make that happen.

Interested in learning more about how Genius Monkey can boost your conversion rates today?


Read our White Paper: ROAS vs MER For an insight deep dive

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