This holiday season, whether you have your marketing strategy ready or you need a little help, pay attention to what your favorite brands are doing. Use the time now to keep track of what you like and dislike when it comes to advertising—and save that information for next year’s holiday plan.
We’ve put together our top 12 tips for boosting your business, both during the holidays and throughout the entire year. We recommend following the 12 Days of Christmas template—choose one tip to read and study on Day 1, and revisit this article the following day so you can focus on another aspect for Day 2, etc.
After 12 days of applying these insights to your own business, you’ll be more prepared than ever for growth.

The 12 Tips for Boosting Your Business
Day 1: Share real success stories
By showing others’ results or experiences and including real testimonials, you can strengthen your entire brand. Genius Monkey shares our client Case Studies on a regular basis, proving that time and time again, we can help any business grow.
Day 2: Show data to support your claims
You can boast and brag about your business all day, but without the numbers to back it up, you really aren’t saying much.
Day 3: Split Test
With a split test, you’re able to learn more about your messaging, graphics, and overall business. It’s never a bad idea to split test, because it means you gain more information about what’s working and what’s not. By having the right digital partner like Genius Monkey, split testing is infinitely easier and more measurable.
Day 4: Elevate your brand’s messaging
Write down what you can do better than others, and refine your elevator pitch. Don’t ramble on to customers—keep it short, sweet, and impactful. When you elevate your messaging, you can reach more people at a faster rate.
Day 5: Tap into programmatic
If you haven’t looked into programmatic advertising, now is the time. It’s growing faster than ever, and it could be the difference between a good business year and an amazing one. If you’re ready to get started, turn to the pros at Genius Monkey, who have been in the programmatic space for more than 15 years.
Day 6: Ask for feedback and actually listen
Whether you receive feedback from your own team members or customers you work with, make sure to listen and implement changes. The more you listen, the more improvements you can make, both to your business strategy itself and to your own team.
Day 7: Keep an eye on the competition
Watching the competition doesn’t mean checking in every single day—it means staying up to date with your competitors and their marketing, deals, and messaging. You can fill the gaps they miss and build a better pitch to clients when you know what “the other guys” can and cannot offer. Check out our blog, “The 3 Easy Ways You Can Outshine Your Competitors.”
Day 8: Set up a better Digital Sales Flow
Online competition is higher than ever, with heavy emphasis on site sales flow. If you have not made it extremely easy for your clients to 1) find you and 2) navigate easily through your site, you’ll have trouble catching up. Gone are the days where you can simply have a website that you hope people will visit and buy—you need to be proactive with a digital setup that has your back in any situation. Split testing can greatly help you improve your digital sales flow and user experience. Split test landing pages, forms, etc. A great example from our previous blog is when auto dealerships pivoted during COVID-19 to offer a full shop-from-home experience. Other industries pivoted to offer curbside pick-up and delivery. This kept many businesses not only afloat in the economy but ahead of their competition. We recommend a strong mix of programmatic-based ads and split testing your website to get the right people to your site and get them what they want faster and easier.
Day 9: Create goals you can reach
Re-evaluate your goals and make sure they are attainable and measurable. We worked with Brickhouse Nutrition, a health and wellness company, to create a stable strategy of growth. Their CEO said that his old business approach was a “step on the gas” strategy, but he appreciated the advice from Genius Monkey to focus on hitting KPIs first and reaching specific goals before flying full speed ahead.
Day 10: Go digital
You may think your digital strategy is solid, but there is always something more you could be doing. We worked with Canales Furniture, a retailer who relied on paper mailers to advertise. Once they added in a strong digital strategy with our programmatic power, they saw incredible results.
Day 11: Use a Diverse Media Plan
A diverse media plan means keeping an open mind and exploring other not-so-obvious channels or marketing methods. Genius Monkey has taught clients for years to move beyond the big names and to not put all your eggs in one basket, because that basket could be taken from you at any time. Check out our blog, “What Is a Diverse Media Plan, and Are You Really Running One?”
Day 12: Work with a team who has your back
You can’t do everything by yourself, and even with a team of people by your side, there may be some aspects of your business that need an outside view. When you partner with other strong teams, your success will only grow. Genius Monkey is that partner that can take you from good to great to amazing in a matter of months. See what you’re missing out on and check out our website today.