The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

The Customer Journey is No Longer Linear

Marketers from all industries agree that a cohesive customer journey across all touch points and channels is essential. The classic customer journey map, however, is no longer applicable in our ever-evolving digital environment. Why? Because the consumer journey is no longer a straight line. Today’s customer journey is much more complex than ever before. Non-linear journeys are the new normal Today’s modern buyers are in control. Due to the plethora of information available on the internet and the ability to connect with nearly everyone in the world, customers are no longer following a linear customer journey path with a clear start, center and end.

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June 9, 2021
Expand Your Reach with Audio Ads

Expand Your Reach with Audio Ads

In the wake of 2020, it seems consumers can’t get enough of digital audio. With over 200 million listeners in the US, digital audio is now ranked among the top most-popular digital activities for American adults, directly behind video. Because of this growing momentum, more and more marketers are updating their campaign strategies to include audio ads–and you should too. Rising opportunities with programmatic audio Thanks to podcasts, audiobooks, music and online playlists, streamed audio content has seen massive growth in recent years, as have programmatic audio ads.

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May 26, 2021
What's New in Q2 @ Genius Monkey

What's New in Q2 @ Genius Monkey

Introducing ROAS Dashboard Reporting and S3 Bucket API Integration! At Genius Monkey, we’re committed to excellence–not just in the service we provide but in our industry knowledge, product offerings and overall platform performance. And it just keeps getting better and better! To better serve our users, we’ve recently added a few new features to the Genius Monkey platform. Check out what’s new! ROAS reporting in the dashboard ROAS, or return on ad spend, is one of the most important metrics in every ad campaign.

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May 5, 2021
Press Release: Mastering Post-Click Optimization

Press Release: Mastering Post-Click Optimization

Too many marketers forget that the ad is only the first impression—known as the “pre-click experience.” Everything that happens after a prospect clicks your ad, or when they visit your website a day, week, or month later is part of the post-click experience, and it’s this stage in the customer journey that has the greatest impact on whether your customer will convert. Understanding how to properly optimize the post-click experience for your customers can be tricky, but don’t worry.

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April 22, 2021
Your Customers Are Not Robots

Your Customers Are Not Robots

The most important factor when working to improve your return on ad spend is relevance. Brand relevance must be prioritized to succeed in any marketplace, but it’s even more crucial to maintain your pertinence in a market currently experiencing significant swings due to unforeseen events, such as ours. So how can advertisers stay relevant in today’s world? And who determines what is (or is not) relevant anyway? Both questions have the same answer: the consumer.

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April 7, 2021
Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

Adiós to the Third-Party Cookie

You’ve probably heard by now that by the year 2022, those of us in the digital ad industry must say “adiós” to the third-party cookie. The third-party phase-out was first announced in February 2020, but Google stirred the pot a little over the last month when they announced that they won’t be building alternate identifiers to track individuals as they browse across the web. Some companies fear that this will negatively affect their abilities to target the right consumers, but we at Genius Monkey say, “Lighten up, it just ain’t that big of a deal!

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March 31, 2021
Staying Ahead of Consumer Behavior

Staying Ahead of Consumer Behavior

In 2020, not only did consumers change, but marketing tactics evolved as well. Video took off last year, virtual and remote customer experiences replaced more traditional shopping processes and new digital platforms emerged and swiftly grew in popularity––as did consumer expectations. All these alterations to the marketplace have kept advertisers on their toes, particularly when it comes to changes in consumer behavior. So what can marketers expect for the rest of 2021, and how can they adjust their ad strategies in order to better suit these new consumer behaviors and expectations?

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March 24, 2021
Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Marketing in the Era of E-Commerce

Over the last several decades, we’ve seen huge advances in technology that have raised the bar for global markets faster than most businesses have been able to keep up with. Thanks to social distancing measures, these jumps in technology are occurring more rapidly today than ever before, and more and more brands are turning to such advances in order to keep their businesses viable and relevant during this time of drastic change for industries throughout the world.

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March 3, 2021
B2B Tech Marketing in a WFH World

B2B Tech Marketing in a WFH World

Now that we’ve safely landed in the new year (still recovering from a helluva rough 2020, though), take a moment to reflect. Visualize a snapshot of your life in 2019. Now compare that snapshot to your life in 2020. Do you see some major differences? If you don’t, then you’re not looking! A myriad of things has changed from 2019 to 2020. The biggest of which is evident in the new WFH (Work From Home) initiatives that have been implemented around the world.

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February 11, 2021
How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

How to Personalize Ads Without Compromising Privacy

In the world of marketing, data is king. Marketers use an abundance of user data to gather leads, increase sales, and personalize the customer experience. These data-first strategies have proven highly successful at converting customers, which is exactly why data is king. Data-driven personalized marketing allows brands to target their campaigns at precise individuals rather than splash their messaging to random mass audiences. But with increasing awareness around data privacy recently, ad personalization has encountered a few road blocks, forcing marketers to change how they collect and/or personalize consumer data in the age of digital privacy.

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February 3, 2021
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