There’s a new revolution in the near future for mobile communications that will change the face of digital marketing. This year (2019) marks the worldwide launch of 5G!
While it’s been a long time in the making, 5G devices will finally make an appearance on the market this year, changing the digital . With this advent, we’ll see 5G smartphones, tablets, always-connected PCs, and CPE deliver new, enhanced mobile experiences, which in the past were just not possible. And, the advancement of 5G is just getting started. As this technology continues to advance, even greater things are on the horizon.

So how fast is it?
Right now, the fastest mobile advertising technology available is LTE 4G, which supports rates up to 300 megabits per second (Mbit/s). And, as Genius Monkey has always preached, speed is the benchmark for wireless network performance. 5G will be so fast, that most users can’t even comprehend the speed. It’s so rapid that it will literally replace the traditional home internet. You’ll be able to run all the devices in your house, and do it wirelessly!
With the blinding speed of this new 5G, we’ll now be able to:
- Download 10,000 songs in just a couple of seconds
- Perform at about 64-100 times faster than 4G
- Download an HD movie in just 6 seconds instead of 7 minutes
- Save 2 minutes and 20 seconds a day on waiting for social media websites
- Download a Spotify library of up to 10,000 songs in a couple of seconds instead of 3 hours
- Save about 23 hours per month loading movies, TV, music, games, and social media
No doubt, this technology will also bring big changes to video games, sports and shopping. It’s speed is more comparable to fiber than to cable. In light of this, landline internet companies like Comcast, Cox, and others, just may have some competition on their hands. And, wireless carriers can deliver this speedier alternative without laying down physical wires to every home.

How will this enhance video and mobile advertising?
Everything will be faster and quicker, so consumers will be able to get served more ads because they can see more pages in the same amount of time. Some speculate that this will virtually double the amount of time they are online now, watching videos and playing games, because they can stream better and the videos load incredibly fast. Some don’t even like watching videos on their video-share sites anymore because of the lag in loading that can take place with our current technology.
You will be able to have a wireless WiFi in your home and you won’t need cable … or anything else. What it will do is put more people online (not that everyone isn’t connected anyway), and it’s going to get faster and faster. They’ll see more ads because everything will download so much quicker. This means more eyeballs on more ads … so doubling the current reach expectations could be a reality!

So what must marketers do to prepare?
According to Jeremy Hudgens, CRO and Director of Client Solutions at Genius Monkey, “Everyone is going to ingest more content, but advertisers must constantly be aware of any changes online, and they must understand them. They need to make sure they have the content ready. The ingestion of the time spent on streaming is going to go up dramatically, so if you don’t have video spots, then you’re gonna be missing out on a lot of eyeballs and a lot more potential to get in front of your customers at the right time … at the lowest cost possible. So, be ready and have your content ready. There are a lot of marketers that only run display.”
Another point is that display ads are going to have the same uptick, because you can now go to your favorite news site, as an example, and you can ingest a lot more content. You won’t even have to wait for pages to load, so ads will load faster, and as a result, everything will be seen faster. So, there’s really not much that marketers and publishers need to do, other than to make sure that we’re ready to be in front of more people, more often … that’s the biggest thing!