Social media has recent roots in the overall timeline of our technological advancements. Facebook is a great example of a successful social medium that swept the world. In fact, as of December of 2017, the active number of Facebook users was 2.2 billion. (The term “active” is anyone who has logged onto his or her page in the last 30 days.) In just the United States alone, there were 214 million users, making it the most popular social network in the world.In 2014, users in the U.S. spent a daily average of 39 minutes on Facebook. No doubt, the platform has hugely benefited from the mobile social growth in recent years, quickly becoming the most popular social-media-of-choice amongst the millennial crowd. Now, in 2018, users spend an average of 50 minutes per day, which is a substantial boost over the last four years.

Despite the staggering figures regarding this social giant, not all is peaches and cream in the world of Facebook. Recent studies by Neilson, (analyzed by Pivotal) indicate that users are spending less time on Facebook than has previously been the case. The reports, while not including the month of December, revealed that the social network lost approximately 4% in aggregated time spent over the year. New figures that include the entire last quarter of 2017 revealed a larger deficit in time. The most recent numbers indicate that Facebook’s core platform decreased by 18% in time spent, which is a vast difference from the previous month! According to Pivotal, this equates to a 24% decrease in time spent per person.These dropping numbers are proof positive that marketers must remain media agnostic; simply put, remaining diverse and not placing all of their eggs in one basket. Genius Monkey implements highly-efficient banner, video, content and social-based display ads that are layered with behavioral data across our media-agnostic set of networks; all enhanced with our hi-tech optimization and conversion tracking. This allows our clients to remain omnipresent, appearing everywhere, on all screens. This is why our proprietary agnostic media platform increases client traffic, conversions and sales.

According to a recent survey by Origin (conducted in December of 2017), over 50% of users between the ages of 18 and 24 have indicated that they are taking a sabbatical from social media. This poll revealed that as much as 34% of the younger users have completely deleted social media accounts as they seek relief from the social media scene. Of those, 41% said that they waste too much time on their social sites, while 35% of them agreed that people who fall into their age group become too distracted by their online lives.Marketers must realize that they cannot place all of their advertising eggs in one basket! They must be present at all times, in all places, to place the right ads in front of the right crowd … at the right time.

The audience that is sticking strong with social media scene is more and more likely to introduce it into other aspects of their lives. In fact, 65% of them reported that they follow brand profiles, and at least 43% indicated that they have purchased merchandise from their social media platform.Of the 1,000 members of the Gen Z crowd (those born in 1994 or later) surveyed, more than half of them stated that they have responded to ads in their social feed, compelling them to make a purchase. In addition, 57% indicated that they have made a purchase as a result of a celebrity endorsement.